Thursday May 09, 2019
#8 - Continuing The Quest for Answers
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Today were talking about: Continuing The Quest for Answers
Regardless of what information your seeking as long as the world keeps spinning science and technology will continue to expand. A closed door today may be the gateway to a new beginning tomorrow.
If you are a new listener to Connected with Mika Bradford, we would love to hear from you. Please visit our Contact Page and let us know how we can help you today!
Also, listen on our website here.
In this episode of CONNECTED with Mika Bradford we’re discussing:
- When do you quit looking for answers?
- Learning more about the history, bedside manner, education, the physician/companies why and purpose?
- Expecting the best outcome but preparing for the worst.
- How to seek out new services or providers and what questions do you ask?
- How long have they been in practice?
- Are they comfortable working with a team of providers?
- Continuing your pilgrimage.
- Holding onto hope.
Be sure to follow our Podcast
- By signing up at connectedmikabradford.com and receive our monthly newsletter to learn what hot topics we will be discussing and the featured guest we have scheduled.
Join in the Conversation
Our favorite part of recording our podcast each week is participating in the great conversations with you that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our comments section.
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
#7 - Why Autism Awareness is NOT Enough
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
With 1 in 58 children being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, accepting individuals with autism is not enough. Moving from autism acceptance to advocacy, ensuring we do not become apathetic to the ever increasing number of children diagnosed with autism and other behavioral health diagnosis.
If you are a new listener to Connected with Mika Bradford, we would love to hear from you. Please visit our Contact Page and let us know how we can help you today!
Also, listen on our website here.
In this episode of CONNECTED with Mika Bradford we’re discussing:
- What is causing the continued increase in children being diagnosed with autism? Is it better diagnosing, environmental factors, food preservatives, medications, vaccinations or a combination of all the above?
- Why autism acceptance and understanding is needed and how it may actually be creating a sense of apathy in identifying what factors could be causing the continued increase in behavioral conditions.
- Why we MUST take action in creating sustainable programs and services that will address the long term care needs of these generations to come.
Be sure to follow our Podcast
- By signing up at connectedmikabradford.com and receive our monthly newsletter to learn what hot topics we will be discussing and the featured guest we have scheduled.
Join in the Conversation
Our favorite part of recording our podcast each week is participating in the great conversations with you that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our comments section.
Explore these Resources
In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:
Friday Apr 05, 2019
#6 - Receiving The Diagnosis: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Pt. 2
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? What they may not tell you at diagnosis….
While autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges parents with children with autism often learn there is much more to this diagnosis than what is often outlined or discussed. We often say if you have seen one child with autism, you have seen one child with autism… Each person is a unique individual however through my hundreds of thousands of discussions with parents across the world I have found many attributes, and health conditions are much more common than we were led to believe. Whether you have a child newly diagnosed or you are the family member, friend or employer of someone who has a child with autism, I hope the symptoms discussed in this podcast will instill a sense of appreciation and even reverence for what many families who have children with autism endure and encounter.
Many of you can relate to getting a neurotypical three-year-old ready and out the door in time in the mornings to try to make it to work on time, however when they have autism or are an 18-year-old, 180 lb. man child it can significantly complicate the most common occurrences or daily routines. So often family, friends and employers will have no idea of the extensive health conditions, sleepless nights, and tantrums that occur on a regular basis that parents deal with. Many children with autism can often experience a variety of the following symptoms or scenarios:
- Extended periods of not sleeping, sometimes days back to back.
- Night terrors that can last for hours with inconsolable crying.
- Picky eating habits that can at times have the child refuse food for hours and days if not provided a preferred food item.
- Gastrointestinal conditions that result in horrible bouts of painful constipation and diarrhea so acidic it scalds the child’s skin.
- Adverse reactions to chemicals and preservatives frequently used throughout the house or in foods.
- Seizures that can occur one after another, lasting days.
- Texture sensitivities that can lead to bouts of screaming and the stripping off of all clothing at any given location.
- Eloping in the blink of an eye, running off at any given minute.
- Parents unable to take their child shopping at the grocery or clothing store for fear of a melt down that results in items being grab or thrown.
- The need for the same song or TV show to play over and over and over again. These situations alone can take a parent to their limits when it occurs for hours especially when paired with sleepless nights.
Take a moment to listen to this podcast to learn more about the many health conditions and scenarios families with autism encounter and how you can support them in their journey with patience, understanding and support.
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
#5 - Receiving The Diagnosis: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. People with ASD look indistinguishable from you or I. It is typically their inability or difficulty with communication that sets them apart from others. People with ASD may communicate, interact, behave, and learn in ways that are different from most other people.
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
#4 - Receiving the Diagnosis: How does a diagnosis define your life?
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
#4 - What to do when every symptom you or a loved one experiences is written off to being part of "THAT" condition, left unassessed or untreated. By asking a few simple questions you can learn how to put common sense to work for you in finding medical providers that can help in determining the right questions to ask that help you identify the right answers.
Monday Mar 04, 2019
#3 - Receiving the Diagnosis: Faith and Perseverance
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
#3 - On this episode, looking for information and answers, whether it’s a vague illness or diagnosis you have been told is hopeless having faith and perseverance connecting the dots can open many doors to hope, health and your future.
Monday Mar 04, 2019
#2 - Receiving the Diagnosis: New Beginnings, Finding Hope
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
#2 - On this episode, I will discuss the moment you realize experiences throughout your life are connected to help equip you for a new season of life. You don’t know what God (for you it may be Karma or Fate) is working on in other people’s lives that will help in preparing and supporting you in your own journey.
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Connected Introduction Podcast
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
#1 - Here at Connected our goal is to bring together the special needs community across the globe. Through education, information, product reviews and interviews with the leading experts in the special needs community we will help address the most pressing issues facing you today.